BNB Chain (formerly known as Binance Smart Chain) is Binance’s very own industry-leading network offering up-to-date services to its users. In most cases, BSC nodes are deployed via providers such as GetBlock. In this article, we will discuss how GetBlock customers can benefit from supercharging their Binance-based decentralized applications with the latest innovative technologies.
What is BNB Chain (Binance Smart Chain)?
BNB Chain is a global decentralized blockchain with a top-tier infrastructure. Previously operating under the name Binance Smart Chain, the network transitioned into BNB Chain in Q1, 2022, and is now comprised of BNB Beacon Chain and BNB Smart Chain.
Beacon Chain (before: Binance Chain) is used for governing purposes (e.g., via staking and voting), whereas Smart Chain (before: Binance Smart Chain) offers EVM compatibility, interoperability, consensus layers, etc.
By putting these two networks under unified transition, Binance highlights its orientation towards giving more attention to larger-scale decentralized applications and more serious developers.
Overall, BNB Chain is a grand example of utility, security, and innovation, thanks to a constantly increasing number of successful use cases.
What is special about BNB Chain?
BNB Chain utilizes cutting-edge blockchain technology to guarantee robust blockchain interoperability, including full compatibility with Ethereum, which, as a result, leads to EVM tools and applications access.
In addition, the platform operates on the Proof-of-Staked-Authority consensus mechanism – its own combination of Proof-of-Authority and Proof-of-Stake. Binance’s PoSA ensures that any user can gain validating authority. However, according to this hybrid form of consensus, participants must stake their BNB tokens (Binance Coin) in tandem with their reputation or identity. This not only allows for reduced fees but also guarantees shorter block times.
As previously mentioned, Binance has recently undergone a major rebranding, which came with a set of updates, some of them being:
- Increased number of validators (from 21 to 41);
- Boosted throughput of Binance Smart Chain;
- Introduction of on-chain governance;
- Implementation of scaling from one chain to multi-chain.
The platform remains among the most recognizable and biggest blockchain networks. Therefore its ecosystem could become a major asset to many web3 developers. Running BNB (BSC) nodes through a blockchain-as-a-service provider is arguably one of the most money and time-wise methods of getting near-instant access to the chain’s infrastructure. Here is how GetBlock can help.
Run BNB (BSC) nodes with GetBlock
GetBlock is a leading blockchain node provider launched in 2019. Throughout the years, GetBlock has expanded its services and is now offering support for 40+ networks.
BNB (BSC) nodes are regularly purchased by GetBlock clients, thanks to the high reliability of both the blockchain itself and the blockchain node provider. Users can choose between shared and dedicated options – but, what’s the difference?
Shared nodes for BNB (BSC) nodes
BNB shared nodes are mainly deployed by web3 beginners and startup projects. This option lets users gain API access to full shared nodes offered by the BNB chain. By sharing access to the blockchain infrastructure with peers, GetBlock clients can start experimenting with their decentralized applications right away and work out methods to boost their business’s performance before launching in the mainnet. Besides, GetBlock is gifting a free month trial to all newcomers with 40k daily requests.
Dedicated nodes for BNB (BSC) nodes
Dedicated nodes for BNB are often selected by regular GetBlock clients. This option is perfect for web3 businesses and crypto entrepreneurs with specific requirements for the node infrastructure. BNB (BSC) dedicated nodes are privately owned and designed by professional developers. What’s more, GetBlock provides 24/7 technical support to blockchain node owners and offers a great selection of specification measures to choose from. The one-month free trial option is available for all BSC nodes.
Closing thoughts
Blockchain nodes are an essential part of the BNB Chain technology. Whereas running a self-hosted node can be a rather tedious and costly process, deploying nodes with a blockchain nodes provider, such as GetBlock, is efficient, reliable, and secure. Supercharging dApps with the help of BNB (BSC) nodes has never been easier, thanks to GetBlock’s innovative service.